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  • 2.5 GPA

  • No particular major required.

  • Completed a minimum of 12 units and currently enrolled in a minimum of 6 units at your current university.

  • A strong interest in helping the Latino community



1. What is Rush?


Rush is seven different events over a span of a week or two that features free food and exciting activities. Rush is non-obligatory, and is simply a way for you to get to know the Professional Women of Alpha Pi Sigma better and to discover what we stand for.


2. This is a Latina-based. Are non-Latinas allowed to join?​


Absolutely! The Professional Women of Alpha Pi Sigma would like to stress that we are a Latina-based sorority, not Latina-exclusive. We encourage all ethnicities whose values align with our own to rush. 


3. Does Alpha Pi Sigma haze?


No, Alpha Pi Sigma enforces a strict non-hazing policy. Our organization has banned hazing since our founding in March 10, 1990. We do not believe in committing any act that that degrades any prospective or current member. 


4.  How is Alpha Pi Sigma different from other sororities?

Generally speaking, all sororities are pretty similar. Every sorority works hard to support a national philanthropy, has their own history, contributes to their community, and offers social activities. However, the main difference between Alpha Pi Sigma and any sorority is the women in the organization. When choosing a sorority to rush or pledge, the most important factor should be how comfortable you feel and how well you get along with the sisters. 


5. Does Alpha Pi Sigma have a brother fraternity?

Alpha Pi Sigma Sorority, Incorporated does not have a brother fraternity. We have made a deliberate choice to remain unaffiliated with another Greek organization.

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